
This paper reports on the results of the investigation of photoluminescence and luminescence excitation spectra of a ZnS powder thermally doped with MnCl · 4H2O or MnS and subjected to a series of treatments in a pulsed magnetic field with the same maximum amplitude of the magnetic field induction (Bmax = 0.3 T) but with different rates of its increase \( \dot B \)(t) to a maximum value. It has been revealed that pulsed magnetic fields with different rates of increase in the induction B nonlinearly affect the spectral characteristics of the ZnS: Mn compounds. The processes occurring in the material, which can lead to a change in its spectral characteristics due to the manifestation of the magnetoplastic effect, and the influence of the parameter \( \dot B \)(t) of the magnetic field on the efficiency of the external action have been discussed. It has been demonstrated that a variation in the parameter \( \dot B \)(t) makes it possible to control the location of defects in the nearest environment of Mn2+ ions in the ZnS compound after the completion of treatment of the material in a magnetic field. The mechanisms responsible for the different effects exerted by energetically identical external disturbances on the system have been proposed.

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