
Redefining dimensional transmutation asλi=λi(v2=v12+v22;x2=v12/v22;mn2/m02,mch2/m02), this influence on the Higgs mass spectrum allows us to demonstrate that, in case of two Higgs doubletsφ1,2 with 〈φ1,2〉0=v1,2 for Higgs-gauge boson interactions, only the Coleman-Weinberg (CW) mechanism withm0CW∼9.63 GeV works quite well in the range of 9 GeV⩽⩽mH0,±≲30 GeV, whereas in case of charged (ch) and neutral (n) Higgs bosons in the range of 0.7 GeV ≲mch≲2.2 GeV for 102≳x2≳1 and 0≲mn≲1.5 GeV in 1≲x2≲10, a region mainly excluded by the data, the effective potentialVeff, has at least a second minimum. The influence of fermions on this prediction is of about 10%.

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