
It is most rational to use complex preparations, thereby solving several problems at once. Firstly, there is an antimicrobial effect on the microflora, and secondly, sorption and evacuation of myctoxins and other toxigenic substances are carried out.The purpose of the experiment was to study the effect of a new phytosorption complex on the milk production of goats. The studies were carried out on goats of the Saanen breed, in one of the farms of the Leningrad region. Two groups of animals were created with 10 animals each. Previously, in order to create equivalent ones, the grading of animals was carried out according to their productivity.Goats of the experimental group, in addition to the basic diet, were added a phytosorption complex at a dose of 4% of the daily intake of feed. The experiment time was 30 days. The effects of the phytosorption complex on milk production indicators were taken into account. The biochemical properties of milk were determined according to GOST 32949-2014. The study of blood was carried out according to standard methods, using hardware technologies. The obtained data were processed using the STATISTICA 6.0 program, the differences were considered statistically significant at p<0.05.The experiment showed that the addition of the phytosorption complex to the diet had a positive effect on the body of experimental animals, which affected milk productivity, the increase in the experimental group was 25%. The positive effect of the phytosorption complex is also evidenced by blood indicators, where an increase in erythrocytes by 9.8% and hemoglobin by 13.28% can be noted, which may indicate an increase in the respiratory function of the blood. An increase in immunoglobulins indicates an increase in the immune status of experimental animals. An increase in IgA by 8.9% indicates an increase in the protective functions of the mucous membranes, an increase in the possibility of sorption of microorganisms.Thus, the introduction of phytosorption complexes into the diet of goats is an expedient and definitely promising direction in the prevention of both infectious diseases and toxicosis.

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