
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L) is one of the most valuable and highly productive grain crops in Russia. Wheat bread is high in protein and carbohydrates. The climate and soil, as well as the cultivation technology, have a great influence on these indicators in grain. Winter wheat is the main and most productive grain crop in the Kursk region, which occupies 40-45% of the grain wedge area. Over the past 30 years, its yield has been higher than that of other cereals. However, the productivity of winter wheat largely depends on overwintering. The main purpose of winter wheat is to provide the population with bakery and confectionery products. The value of wheat bread is determined by the peculiar chemical composition of the grain. Among cereals, wheat grain is high in protein. Its presence in grain depends on the variety, cultivation conditions and can be at the level of 9-15%. Wheat grain contains a large amount of carbohydrates, including up to 70% starch, vitamins B1, B2, PP, E, as well as provitamins A, D, up to 2% ash minerals. Wheat proteins contain a complete amino acid composition, all essential amino acids that are well absorbed by the human body. The amount of proteins and starch in wheat grain is in a ratio of about 1: 6 - 7, which is most favorable for maintaining a normal body weight and working capacity. Wheat bread has a high calorie content - 1 kg of it contains 2000 - 2500 calories, which confirms its high nutritional value as an important source of energy. The bulk of wheat grain is carbohydrates. They are represented mainly by starch (48-63%). Carbohydrates are of great energy value in human nutrition. In addition to carbohydrates and starch, grain contains 2-7% sugars (mainly in the germ), as well as 2-3% fiber. Fiber does not dissolve in water and is not absorbed by the body. When making flour, it remains in the bran. Fat makes up an average of 2% in a grain of wheat and is found in the germ and aleurone layer.

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