
The Hamiltonian operator of a system of single-mode light field interacting with Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) of two-level atoms is discussed in terms of the lattice-liquid model. It is indicated that the contribution of the interaction between atoms to the Hamiltonian was irrationally overestimated in the literature, so the Hamiltonian operator is improved in the present paper. Based on the improved Hamiltonian, the equations of motion of the photon and atomic operators are derived analytically. The relevant parameters in the model are estimated in connection with the BEC experimental conditions. The influence of the interaction between atoms in the BEC on the squeezing of light field and the atomic lasers is studied. The results show that the dependence of squeezing factor with atom number in BEC is different from that given in literature. and the fluctuations of two quadrature components of light evolve periodically with cosine law and the fluctuations of two quadrature components of the atomic laser can be squeezed.

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