
The scientific review article summarizes the dysontogenesis of mental development according to the autistic type. It has been established that autism is a complex developmental disorder caused by genetic factors combined with organic damage to the central nervous system. Features of behavior, cognitive processes, communicative and speech development of schoolchildren with autism spectrum disorders are characterized. The leading signs of developmental disorders in autism are outlined: asynchrony of development, social communication disorders, restriction of behavior patterns, stereotyped repetitive actions. The definition of the concept of "educational behavior" has been clarified. It was determined that educational behavior is characterized by the child's ability to acquire knowledge, assimilate and use it in accordance with the educational situation, act in accordance with the rules established in the educational institution. Skills characteristic of children with established learning behavior are highlighted: following the learning schedule; workplace organization; looking and paying attention to the teacher; following teacher's instructions during lessons; accepting the help of an adult (teacher, assistant educator); using educational tools as intended; performance of tasks proposed by the teacher (by imitation, independently, with help). Factors that complicate the process of formation of educational behavior of students with autism are singled out. Manifestations of unformed educational behavior of students of general secondary education institutions are summarized: ignoring the teacher, assistant, classmates; lack of directed eye contact; limitation of cognitive interest in certain topics; inability to adapt to sudden changes in the daily schedule; fixation of attention on letters, numbers, other signs or symbols; inability to conduct a dialogue during an interview; difficulty adapting to classes (overload of sensory stimuli); refusal of adult help during training; inertia of switching attention between tasks during the lesson; detachment from reality during the lesson (the student withdraws into himself); execution of similar, monotonous actions; opposition to environmental interference in any activity.

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