
Currently, domestic pig breeding faces the problem of maintaining high productivity of animals due to the increase in the number of breeding farms. The most important problem in pig breeding is the problem of the correct selection of breeding boars, the providing of better feeding and housing conditions for them and obtaining more high-quality sperm. The purpose of the research was to study the e˜ect of the exercise regime on the quantitative indicators of the semen of breeding boars. The research was carried out under the conditions of OOO “Pig complex “Tyumensky” in the Tyumen region. Three groups of breeding boars with 10 heads in each were selected for research. The control group did not receive exercise, the 1st experimental group received passive exercise, and the 2nd experimental group received active exercise. The analysis of quantitative indicators of semen showed that boars of the 1st experimental group had the volume of ejaculate higher by 7,64 ml compared with similar indicators characterizing the reproductive traits of boars of the control and 2nd experimental groups. Due to the larger volume and concentration of sperm in the ejaculate by 3–6 more doses of sperm were obtained from one boar of the 1st experimental group than from the boar of the control and 2nd experimental groups. Thus, the use of passive exercise for breeding boars contributes to a larger volume of ejaculate and a larger number of sperm doses received from the boar, which undoubtedly improves herd reproduction and increases the e›ciency of the pig industry.

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