
A large number of natural and man-made emergencies occurring on the territory of Ukraine, and not only that cause deforestation of buildings, structures, objects and cities and whole districts, require the provision of fire protection systems for sources of electricity that are independent of Electricity supply of certain areas or cities and objects.
 Regardless of the control mode, elements of automatic fire protection systems are elements that take part in a single technological process (notifying people of danger, feeding, water, removing smoke, etc.).
 All systems of fire protection (SPPZ), as the main power source use a common grid (220 / 380V AC). In this unchanged form, the electric power is fed to supply power executive elements (asynchronous actuators of water pumps, fans, etc.). To control the operation of fire protection systems, 12-24V DC is used. This requires the use of additional transducers in fire control systems to form the voltage of the corresponding form.
 Simultaneous exhaustion of tens and hundreds of settlements, as evidenced by the reports of the DNS of Ukraine and other operational services, affects the provision of fire protection of objects and the safety of people [5]. Taking into account the unpredictability of the occurrence of events, it is necessary to apply methods of providing backup power supply independent of power supply and climatic conditions of operation of fire protection systems.
 The purpose of the work is to propose the optimal way of forming the supply voltage and adjusting its parameters for the backup power of electric consumers of automatic fire protection systems powered by an autonomous power supply, which consists of a unit of battery and autonomous voltage inverters. Such a backup power scheme allows simultaneous control and regulation of the voltage, frequency, and the ability to determine the parameters of the autonomous source elements.
 In the process of reviewing and assessing the reliability of power supply of electric consumers of automatic fire protection systems, previously noted ways to increase the reliability of the operation of automatic fire protection systems by reserving power supply from autonomous sources with the use of accumulator batteries and autocompressor voltage inverters were taken into account. For comparison, from all known electricians of fire protection systems, the most common and most powerful electric consumer is used - an asynchronous motor.
 The probabilistic method for calculating the functioning of the backup power supply system for an internal fire-fighting water supply system using generator sets and accumulator batteries with autonomous inverters of voltage, taking into account the accidental nature of the disconnection of power lines, proved that the proposed reservation scheme, both with K2AIN-AD and with 2K2AIN-AD increases the reliability of functioning systems for fire protection. An increase in the number of similar items led to an improvement in the quality characteristics of the power supply, but had a negative impact on reliability, albeit slightly compared to the backup from the two-transformer substation.

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