
Polymer brushes, i.e., end-tethered polymer chains on substrates, are sensitive to adaptation, e.g., swelling, adsorption, and reorientation of the surface molecules. This adaptation can originate from a contacting liquid or atmosphere for partially wetted substrates. The macroscopic contact angle of the aqueous drop can depend on both adaptation mechanisms. We analyze how the atmosphere around an aqueous droplet determines the resulting contact angle of the wetting droplet on polymer brush surfaces. Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNiPAAm)-based brushes are used due to their exceptional sensitivity to solvation and liquid mixture composition. We develop a method that reliably measures wetting properties when the drop and the surrounding atmosphere are not in equilibrium, e.g., when evaporation and condensation tend to contaminate the liquid of the drop and the atmosphere. For this purpose, we use a coaxial needle in the droplet, which continuously exchanges the wetting liquid, and in addition, we constantly exchange the almost saturated atmosphere. Depending on the wetting history, PNiPAAm can be prepared in two states, state A with a large water contact angle (∼65°) and state B with a small water contact angle (∼25°). With the coaxial needle, we can demonstrate that the water contact angle of a sample in state B significantly increases by ∼30° when a water-free atmosphere is almost saturated with ethanol, compared to an ethanol-free atmosphere at 50% relative humidity. For a sample in state A, the relative humidity has little influence on the water contact angle.

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