
The characteristics of CPT-resonance, i.e. its width, depth and contrast, are considered for the three-level &#923;-atom interacting with two resonant monochromatic radiation fields. We develop the computer simulation to investigate the influence on these characteristics of the asymmetric properties of medium: inequality of the dipole moments and inequality of the relaxation rates of population. Both weak and strong radiation fields are considered. For the weak fields the inequality of the Rabi-frequencies is found to influence weakly or even not to influence on the CPT-resonance shape. For the strong fields we found the significant influence of the asymmetry on the shape. We conclude that the CPT-resonance in the strong fields can be utilized as a tool for measure of the optical transitions asymmetry. As an example of the real system interacting with two strong radiation fields we consider the characteristics of the CPT-resonance for the magnetic sublevels of states 6P<sub>1/2</sub>, 6P<sub>3/2 </sub>and 7S<sub>1/2 </sub>for Tl-atom.

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