
This study was conducted in the wooden canopy of the Department of Horticulture and Landscape / College of Agriculture / Basra University, during the growing season 2017 – 2018. In order to know the effect of the aqueous extract of Tamarix articulata Vahl. Of concentrations of (0, 50, 100 and 150 g. L−1) on some vegetative growth indicators (plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves per plant, leaf area, fresh weight of foliage and the content of chlorophyll in leaves) and medically active substances (percentage of phenols in the leaves and the quantity of phenols in them) of Cordia myxa L. Seedlings c.v. Local. The results showed that the aqueous extract of Tamarix articulata Vahl. Of (150 g. L– 1), was superior over all other concentrations of this extract, which significantly didn’t differ from its concentration (100 g. L−1) concerning most characteristics studied in this study. Besides, its concentration of (50 g. L-1) was significantly, not different from control treatment concerning most studied characteristics.

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