
ABSTRACT An investigation was conducted of the combined effect of salinity and temperature on growth, survival, and biomass productivity of postlarval and early juvenile pink shrimp Farfantepenaeus duorarum (Burkenroad 1939) produced from a single spawning event. The study used a factorial block design consisting of three salinity treatments (15, 35, and 55), each replicated, within three temperature treatment (22°C, 27°C, and 32°C) water baths. The study was divided into two phases: postlarval (first 28 days) and early juvenile (second 28 days). Growth was assessed every 7 days throughout the experiment by measuring carapace length (CL) and wet weight (WWT) of 15 randomly selected shrimp from each temperature/salinity replicate tank. After the first study phase, survival was assessed and experimental aquaria were reset with 30 randomly selected shrimp from the same temperature—salinity replicates. Survival was assessed again at the end of the early juvenile phase. The effect of treatments was evaluated b...

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