
Purpose: The school’s structure has a significant impact on the communication and strategy implementation process. The structure may shape the type of formal communication channels that an organization adopts to communicate students discipline. The general objective of the study was to establish influence of teachers’ communication strategies on students’ discipline
 Methodology: The paper used a desk study review methodology where relevant empirical literature was reviewed to identify main themes and to extract knowledge gaps.
 Findings: The study concludes that that holding classroom meetings, the use of school prefect body, communication during school assembly, guidance and counseling sessions and use of rewards and incentives, and encouragement of members to pass information among them and holding open forums are communication strategies used to communicate on students discipline in schools.
 Recommendations: There is need for the stakeholders in education sector to facilitate teachers’ communication enable teachers to effectively use communication in the management of student discipline. The situations on the ground should determine the mix of communication strategies to be used on student discipline by the teachers. Teachers should use nonverbal communication effectively, they should use eye contact effectively and nonverbal cues. The elimination to conditions that reduce effective communication should be an obligation of entire school community

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