
This study aimed to find the influence of system of education (Madarsa and Government Elementary Schools) and Gender on Academic Achievement of students. In order to realize the objectives of the study, quantitative descriptive survey method was used. The sample consisted of 268 students from Government Elementary Schools affiliated to Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education and 254 students from the Madarsas affiliated to Madhya Pradesh Madarsa Board, Bhopal. Thus, the total sample comprised 522 students studying in Class VIII. For measuring achievement in Hindi Language, Academic Achievement test for Hindi developed by Hasan was used, and for measuring achievements in Mathematics and Social Studies, self-developed tests were used. Obtained data was analyzed with the help of t-test and Two-Way ANOVA. The findings of the study revealed that the mean score of Academic Achievement for the students of Madarsa was higher than those of Government School students. Gender did not influence the Academic Achievement of students studying in Madarsa System of Education but it influenced significantly to the Academic Achievement of students studying in Government Elementary Schools. It was also found that there is no significant combined influence of system of education (Madarsa and Government Elementary Schools) and Gender on Academic Achievement of students.

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