
Two field trials were carried out in Nubaryia region, El BeheiraGovernorate, Egypt throughout two successive seasons of 2012/2013 and2013/2014 to examine the response of five multigerm varieties of sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris, sacchrifera L.) as affected by agricultural sulphur(100 kg/fed.), and nematicide, furan (carbofuran10% G) at 13 kg/fed onroot knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita under naturally infected withit. A split-split plots design was used, where sulphur treatments in mainplots, the nematicide, in the sub-plots, and sugar beet varieties were sownin the sub-sub- plots. Results obtained cleared that number of galls/ plantsignificantly affected by sulphur treatments, this finding was true in bothgrowing seasons at the two studied age i.e. 3-momth or 6- month.Application of 100 kg sulphur reduced the values of galls from 15.6 to 9.0in the 1st age corresponding 38 to 25 in the 2nd age. The percent ofreduction amounted by 73.33% and 52.0% at age 3 and 6 monthsrespectively. Once more, the differences between sulphur treatments didnot reach the level of significant in respect to their effect on galls numberin the 2nd seasons of both ages. Concerning carbofuran (C) influence, theresults showed that the used nematicide compound significantly reducedthe percent values of gall’s number, the amount of reduction reached to140 and 152 % in the 1st and 2nd seasons at age of 3- month corresponding172 and 226.4 % in 6- month age in the 1st and 2nd season respectively.This result may be indicating to the high specificity against nematode.Regarding the different combination between the studied factors, it couldbe noted that the 1st and 2nd order interaction were significantly effected onthe values of gall’s number/ root in both seasons whether at 3-momth or 6-month ages. Once more by the end of growing season (six months), thevalues of egg masses significantly affected by the individual studiedfactors. Application of 100 kg sulphur significantly reduced the values ofeggmasses/root. As for, the influence of carbofuran nematicide on eggmasses, the available data appeared highly response to carbofuran inrespect to its effect on egg masses in the two growing seasons, usingcarbofuran et a reduction in this trait amounted by 113.33 and 137.5% inthe 1st and 2nd seasons respectively. Belong to varietal difference in respectto egg masses, the collected results showed sugar beet variety Gloriserecorded the lowest value of this trait in both seasons. This finding may beassured the gen make up role in its influence on varieties with respect to their resistance against nematode infection. The most effect interaction wasthat between sugar beet varieties and each of sulphar treatment andnematicide. Sugar beet root fresh weight, root diameter and sugar yield/fedincreased significantly at the studied rates of nematicide and sulphur in the1st and 2nd seasons. Root yield had the same trend in the 2nd season only.Sucrose% and sugar extractable% significantly increased at the rates ofnematicide and sulphur treatments in both seasons, respectively. Glorisevariety cleared the significant superiority over all the other tested ones insucrose%, without significant variance with lilly variety. The interactionbetween the used rates of sulphur and carbofuran nematicide had the sameeffect on root diameter in both seasons. Sulphur treatment at developedroot quality and reduced the impurity of juice of sugar beet and increasedroot growth as well as carbofuran nematicide did. Alpha amino nitrogen insugar beet roots was significantly influenced by sulphur and carbofurannematicide interaction in both seasons. Potassium, sucrose and extractablesugar percentages and percentage extractability of root juice weresignificantly recorded impacts by the interaction between varieties andsulphur levels in both seasons.

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