
We studied dynamics of live weight and morphological composition of carcasses in Ross 308 chickens at 1-, 21-, 28-, 34-, 38- and 42-day ages when SUB-PRO probiotic was included in the diet instead of Maxus G feed antibiotic in amount of 100 g/ton of feed. By the age of 42, chickens in the control group (I) reached a live weight of 2234 28.4 g, chickens in the experimental group (II) - 2329 27.3 g, and chickens who took feed antibiotic (III) - 2320 33.4 g. Live weight of chickens of the II group by the age of 42 days exceeded the I group by 95 g or 4.25 % (P 0.05), the III group - by 86 g or 3.85 %. In terms of carcass weight, the experimental group exceeded the control group by 4.60 % (P 0.05), group III - by 4.53 %. The meat productivity of chickens taking antibiotic was not studied further, since that had no practical significance. Over the entire period of rearing, the average daily gain in live weight in control chickens was 52.20 g, in the experimental chickens - 54.46 g. The relative muscle weight in broiler carcasses of the experimental group increased from 55.34 to 66.37 %v from 1 to 42 days of age, while the relative bone weight decreased from 33.23 to 16.78 %. By the age of 42, absolute muscle and bone weight had 123.47- and 51.91-fold increase, respectively, in comparison with diurnal weight. The data of anatomical cutting of chicken carcasses showed that, in terms of muscle and bone content, the most valuable were: breast - 84.63 and 8.25 %, thigh - 75.66 and 12.54 %, respectively; less valuable: drumstick - 67.86 and 20.98 %, wing - 50.58 and 33.53 %, respectively. Diameter of muscle fibers of superficial pectoralis muscle in 42-day-old broilers was 55.20 m; water content - 75.10 %, fat - 1.60 %, protein - 22.31 %. In terms of microbiological parameters, carcass meat meets the requirements of GOST 31468-2012 interstate standard. The inclusion of SUB-PRO probiotic in chicken diet instead of antibiotic does not reduce productivity, but excludes the negative consequences of antibiotic use.


  • We studied dynamics of live weight and morphological composition of carcasses in Ross 308 chickens at 1, 21, 28, 34, 38- and 42-day ages when SUB-PRO probiotic was included in the diet instead of Maxus G feed antibiotic in amount of 100 g/ton of feed

  • Broiler rearing systems: a review of major fattening results and meat quality traits // World Poultry Sc. Association

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Животноводство Animal breeding

Изучали динамику живой массы и морфологический состав тушек курочек кросса Росс 308 в 1-, 21-, 28-, 34-, 38- и 42-суточном возрастах при включении в рацион пробиотика СУБ-ПРО вместо кормового антибиотика Максус G в количестве 100 г/т корма. К 42-суточному возрасту курочки контрольной группы (I) достигли живой массы 2234±28,4, опытные (II) — 2329±27,3 г, а получавшие кормовой антибиотик (III) — 2320±33,4 г. Относительная масса мышечной ткани в тушках бройлеров опытной группы с суточного до 42-суточного возраста повысилась с 55,34 до 66,37 %, в то время как относительная масса костей снизилась с 33,23 до 16,78 %. У курочек к 42-суточному возрасту абсолютная масса мышц по сравнению с массой суточных увеличилась в 123,47, костей — 51,91 раза. Для цитирования: Никитченко Д.В., Никитченко В.Е., Андрианова Д.В., Рысцова Е.О., Кондрашкина К. М. Влияние пробиотика СУБ-ПРО на мясную продуктивность цыплят-бройлеров // Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов.

Материалы и методы исследований
Результаты исследований и обсуждение
Weight of other tissues Bone weight
Experimental group
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