
The purpose of this research was to examine the influence of strategy communication and strategic planning on organisational performance of international schools in Kiambu County. The target population comprised of the selected six international schools in Kiambu County with a combined total staff population of 436 personnel. The study adopted causal approach and using purposive sampling the researcher selected 10 respondents from each school which included managers, administrators and senior teachers. This resulted in 60 respondents selected from 6 international schools that the researcher believed were knowledgeable about the strategies being implemented in their respective schools. The collection of research data was done using questionnaires which had multiple choice questions and Likert scale questions. The research data were entered into SPSS version 21 for quantitative analysis. The analysis generated descriptive statistics for each variable, which are presented in tables and charts for easy interpretation. The study established that strategy communication and strategic planning supports strategy implementation in various ways which in turn contribute to improved organisational performance of the international schools.

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