
Seed storage is the final stage of the technological process of its production, the purpose of which is to ensure the preservation of seed quality from its collection to use. At the same time, the loss of seeds in the process of storage of sowing conditions can cause significant losses both to the direct subjects of seed production of medicinal crops and to producers of medicinal raw materials. At the same time, questions regarding the storage terms of the seeds of sickle-leaved astragalus (Astragalus falcatus Lam.) and the rates of their loss of sowing conditions during storage remain insufficiently defined. The aim of our research was to establish the objective terms of storage of astragalus seeds with maximum preservation of their sowing qualities. The research was conducted for nine years. It was found that the surface gloss is a stable feature for the seeds of astragalus, which was not lost during storage, while the color of the seeds is a relatively unstable feature. During the first two years, no noticeable changes in the color of the seeds were noted. During storage for more than 9 years, the seeds gradually acquired a uniform reddish-brown color from greenish-yellow. The rate of loss of sowing conditions of the seeds of astragalus was determined. Freshly collected seeds were characterized by the maximum germination and hard seed rate, respectively — 84 and 14%. At the same time, the germination energy was 72%. The highest rate of germination energy of few seeds of the second year of storage is 78%. At the same time, the content of hard seeds decreased to 10%, germination decreased to 83%. Therefore, the effect of hard seed on the germination energy indicator is clearly observed, which was 7% lower immediately after harvesting and finishing the seeds compared to the seeds after a year of storage. During four years of storage, the seed germination rate decreased by only 21%, which indicates its gradual loss. The general regularity of the decrease in germination energy is also gradual. Starting from the fifth year of storage, the seeds of the studied sample began to rapidly lose their sowing qualities. Its similarity to the ninth year of storage was only 3%. It was found that the hard seed indicator was completely lost after five years of storage. It was determined that the economic durability of the seeds of the sickle-leaved astragalus is at least four years, and the biological durability lasts for nine years.

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