
The article discusses the role of sport and exercise for the health of the younger generation. Currently, modern youth is not very willing to engage in physical education and sports. If we compare the 70s, the beginning of pedagogical activity, when the student sports were held, then in the gyms the apple had nowhere to fall. Purpose of the study. Formative work was carried out in the process of organizing sports events with students. The formative experiment program was discussed with sports trainers. The content and specifics of the students' sports activities at the university make it possible to reveal many issues of a healthy lifestyle, not only from an informational, but also from an emotional point of view. Studying almost every topic in physical culture and sport, it is possible to correlate it with the provisions of the psychology of human health and the organization on this basis of their own behavior. While mastering the knowledge in the discipline “Physical Culture” to a greater extent allows the formation of skills and abilities for physical self-improvement, self-esteem, self-knowledge, understanding and organizing one’s own life on the basis of health savings, sports pedagogy as a science of the laws of the pedagogical process, as the practice of training, education and management in the process of physical culture and sports activities allows us to consider the same problems in connection with interaction with other people, responsibility for x and problems of self-improvement.

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