
AbstractBesides assimilation, plant water relations are important aspects of physiological basis of productivity of crops in water limited environment. The relationships of photosynthesis rate, transpiration rate, leaf water potential and stomatal conductance with photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and vapour pressure deficit (VPD) during pre‐flowering (panicle initiation to ear emergence) and grain filling (from anthesis to maturity) stages of a sorghum hybrid (cv. CSH‐6) grown under rainfed conditions were studied. Photosynthesis rate declined when PAR was above 1300 μmol m−2 s−1. during both the growth stages. Higher transpiration rate during grain filling stage at higher PAR caused the transpiration efficiency to be lower than during pre‐flowering stage when PAR was above 1200 μmol m−2s−1.Leaf water potential and stomatal conductance decreased with increase in PAR. Leaf water potential was higher during pre‐flowering than during grain filling stage but maximum photosynthesis rate was similar during both the growth stages. Changes in VPD did not qualitatively alter the relationships of the physiological variables with PAR.Decreasing photosynthesis rate and LWP at high PAR suggest that photosynthesis rate was limited by low leaf water potential when PAR was optimal, and by low PAR even when leaf water potential was high in rainfed sorghum during rainy season.

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