
We probe the lethality of X-rays from solar flares to organisms on Mars based on the observations of 10 solar flares. We, firstly, estimate the doses produced by the strong flares observed by the RHESSI and GOES missions during the descending phase of sunspot cycle 23. Next, in order to realize the dependence of dose on flux and steepness of spectra, we model the incident spectra over a wide range of spectral index to estimate dose values and compare them with the observed doses. We calculate the distribution of surficial spectra visible to organisms on the martian surface by employing attenuation of X-rays due to CO2 column densities distribution over the South Pole. The surficial flux distribution after folding with the opacity of water enables us to estimate the dose distribution over the South Pole. The dose measured from the surficial spectrum produced by the observed 10 flares corresponding to the latitudes 50–60°, 60–70°, 70–80° and 80–90°S varies in the range of 6.39×10−9–1.80×10−6; 4.89×10−10–5.21×10−8; 5.10×10−11–5.20×10−9 and 4.42×10−10–4.89×10−12 gray (1 gray=104erg/g) respectively. Comparing the measured as well as the modeled doses with those proposed to be lethal for various organisms by Smith and Scalo (Smith, D.S., Scalo, J. [2007]. Planet. Space Sci. 55, 517–527); we report that the habitability of life on the South Pole remains unaffected even by the strongest solar flare occurred during descending phase of solar cycle 23. Further, the monthly integrated energy released by the solar flares in the most productive month viz. October 2003 and January 2005 from the GOES soft X-ray observations is estimated to be 8.43 and 3.32×1032ergs respectively, which is almost equal in order to the typical energy released by a single strong X-class flare. Therefore, we propose the life near the South Pole region on the Mars remain uninfluenced by X-ray emission even during monster phenomena of energy release on the Sun and/or Star.

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