
The article presents the results of long term field research on the influence of various processing systems on the fertility of sod-podzolic soil, productivity and quality of products. Studies have shown that the water-physical properties of the soil differ depending on different technologies of soil treatment, the method of plowing manure and plant residues. Thus, subsurface and combined soil treatment provided the formation of water supply units at the level of 41.4%, soil density-1.35 g/cm3, and total porosity-63.7%. Reserved productive moisture in the first case was 30.6 mm, in the second-28.6 mm. It was found that different technologies for applying organic matter had different effects on the content of earthworms in the soil, the decomposition of flax tissue, the production of carbon dioxide, and, ultimately, on the formation of humus compounds. The largest number of humus substances was formed by plowing technology. Here their growth was 0.16% of the original value or 6.2 t/ha, according to surface treatment of soil-0.15% (5.9 t/ha). The maximum CO2 production was observed at the subsurface cultivator loosening plot of 54.9 mg/h m2, and the minimum value for surface treatment of soil was 52.5 mg/h m2. In other variants, it was within the range of 53.6 mg/h m2. Decomposition of linen fabric for all processing technologies was in the range of 20.6-21.2%. The productivity of agrophytocenoses in processing systems does not differ significantly, except for fine processing. For plowing, subsurface cultivator and combined processing, taking into account byproducts, it varied within 43.2-43.8 C/ha, and surface soil treatment provided only 41.4 C/ha. The pro vision of feed units with digestible protein for plowing, taking into account by-products, was 81.5 g, for the rest at the level of 80.4 g.

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