
ABSTRACT Ⅰ. 서 론 근관치료를받는치아는보통외상이나우식, 근관치료시술자체에의해치질을상실하게된다. 이러한변화는물리적인성질및심미성을저하시키므로 1,2) , 근관치료를받은치아의수복은임상적성공에서매우중요하다 3) . 레진을사용한수복은치질과의결합능력으로인해남아있는치질의파절저항성증가 4,5) , 수복물의유지증가, 변연누출의감소 6) 와같은장점이있다.근관치료를받는동안상아질은기계적확대형성, 근관세척, 약제적용및임시수복재에노출되며, 이들은상아질접착제및레진과의결합강도에영향을줄수있다. 7.8) Sodium hypochlorite(NaOCl)는항균작용및치수조직의용해작용이있으므로근관세척제로많이사용된다. 하지만일부접착시스템에서NaOCl의사용이치근과치관상아질의결합강도에부정적인영향을미친다는연구결과 NaOCl로처리된치수강상아질에서sodium ascorbate가미세인장결합강도에미치는영향 전수연∙이광원∙유미경*전북대학교치과대학치과보존학교실 INFLUENCE OF SODIUM ASCORBATE ONMICROTENSILE BOND STRENGTHS TO PULP CHAMBER DENTIN TREATED WITH NAOCL Soo-Yeon Jeon, Kwang-Won Lee, Mi-Kyung Yu* Department of Conservative Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Chonbuk National University The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of sodi um ascorbate on microtensile bond strengths oftotal-etching adhesive system to pulp chamber dentin treated with NaOCl.Pulp chambers of extracted human non-caries permanent molars were treated as follows: group 1, with 0.9%NaCl; group 2, with 5.25% NaOCl; group 3, with 5.25% NaOCl and 10% sodium ascorbate for 1min; group 4,with 5.25% NaOCl and 10% sodium ascorbate for 1 min and 10ml of water; group 5, with 5.25% NaOCl and10% sodium ascorbate for 5 min; group 6, with 5.25% NaOCl and 1 0% sodium ascorbate for 5 min and 10ml ofwater; group 7, with 5.25% NaOCl and 10% sodium ascorbate for 1 0 min; group 8, with 5.25% NaOCl and 10%sodium ascorbate for 10 min and 10ml of water. Treated specimens were dried, bonded with a total-etching adhe-sive system (Single bond), restored with a composite resin(Z250) and kept for 24h at 100% humidity to measurethe microtensile bond strength.NaOCl-treated group (group 2) demonstrated significantly lower strength than the other groups. No significantdifference in microtensile bond strengths was found between NaCl-treated group (group 1) and sodium ascorbate-treated groups (group 3-8). The results of this study indicated that dentin treated with NaOCl reduced themicrotensile bond strength of Single bond. Application of 10% sodium ascorbate restored the bond strength ofSingle bond on NaOCl-treated dentin. Application time of sodium ascorbate did not have a significant effect.

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