
We investigated the influence of social interactions on individual foraging behavior and community structure of frugivorous birds in southern Costa Rica. Detailed observations of large, heterospecific feeding assemblages at fruiting trees revealed the existence of an interspecific dominance hierarchy, largely consistent with body and bill size. Social status influenced access to food in several ways. First, subordinate species were interrupted more and tended to have shorter foraging bouts than dominant species (n > 1.000 abouts). Second, analysis of over 7,000 videotaped head movements showed that subordinate species spent a smaller fraction of their foraging bouts actually feeding (as opposed to looking about) than did dominants. Third, when many birds were in a tree simultaneously, the foraging bouts of subordinate species were shortened; this effect was less pronounced or absent for species higher in the dominance hierarchy. Fourth, subordinate species foraged less frequently in mixed-species assemblages than did dominant species. Finally, subordinate species fed disproportionately more in the late afternoon at fruiting trees. The influence of social status appeared to manifest itself at the community level. The species composition of foraging assemblages was compared at isolated fruiting trees situated in an agricultural landscape near to (< 0.5 km) and far from (> 6 km) a large tract of primary forest. Whereas the full complement of avian frugivores foraged at the near trees, visitors to the far trees were predominantly of high social status. We discuss reasons why high social status and associated traits might confer an advantage in exploiting human-dominated habitat.

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