
Abstract Dry-snow slab avalanches involve the release of a cohesive slab over an extended plane of weakness. In most fatal avalanches, the triggering of the initial failure occurred by localized rapid near-surface loading by people — followed by fracture propagation. Whereas a limit-equilibrium (LE) approach to snow slope failure only takes into account slab depth, slab density and weak layer strength, it omits properties such as the stiffness of adjacent layers and the fracture propagation process. Nevertheless, LE has been applied with some success to the frequency of skier triggering, suggesting that it is relevant to failure initiation. Since field studies have shown that, for a given slab thickness, stiffer slabs are less likely to be triggered, slab properties influence failure initiation, fracture propagation or both. A highly simplified finite element (FE) model of static skier loading was used to assess the effect of slab and substratum properties on skier-induced stresses in the weak layer. Compared to a uniform slab, the skier-induced stress at the depth of the weak layer varied by a factor of 2 due to layering. In particular, the simplified FE model suggests that while stiffer layers in the slab will reduce the skier-induced stress in the weak layer, stiff layers just below the weak layer can increase the shear stress. These results were incorporated into a modified stability index and compared to stability test results. However, by taking into account snowpack layering the correlation between the modified stability index and stability test results did not improve. While our simulations suggest that less stress penetrates through stiffer slabs and thus fracture initiation is less likely, other studies show that, once initiated, fractures under stiffer slabs have high propagation propensity.

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