
The effects of different populations densities of smooth pigweed and common purslane were determined in field trials conducted in organic soils. `South Bay' lettuce was planted in twin rows on 90-cm planting beds. Weed densities used were 0, 2, 4, 8, and 16 weeds per 6 m of row (5.4 m2). Phosphorus (P) was applied broadcast (1200 kg P/ha) and banded 2 inches below each lettuce row (600 kg P/ha). Lettuce fresh weights were collected 8 weeks after emergence. Data collected indicated that P regime and density had significant effects on lettuce yield and quality. For both weeds, yield decreased as density increased. In all cases, lettuce showed greater yields at a given density when grown with P banded than when P was applied broadcast. Critical density for smooth pigweed for P broadcast was between 2 and 4 plants per 5.4 m2, whereas this critical density occurred between 8 and 16 plants per 5.4 m2 when P was banded. Yield reductions of up to 24.4% and 20.1% occurred at the highest smooth pigweed density for broadcast and banded P, respectively. Two common purslane plants per 5.4 m2 were enough to reduce lettuce yields. Banding P helped lettuce to produce significantly more within each common purslane density. Yield reductions of 47.8% and 44.3% occurred at the highest common purslane density for broadcast and banded P, respectively. Apparently, banding P gives an additional advantage to the crop against smooth pigweed and common purslane.

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