
Direct numerical simulation data obtained from a highly turbulent (Kolmogorov length scale is less than a laminar flame thickness by a factor of about 20) lean hydrogen–air complex chemistry flame are processed, with the focus of the study being placed on flame and flow characteristics conditioned to instantaneous local values cFx,t of the fuel-based combustion progress variable. By analyzing such conditioned quantities, the following two trends are documented. On the one hand, magnitudes of fluctuations of various local flame characteristics decrease with increasing the combustion progress variable, thus implying that the influence of small-scale (when compared to the laminar flame thickness) turbulence on internal flamelet structure is reduced as the flow advance from unburned reactants to combustion products. On the other hand, neither local turbulence characteristics (conditioned rms velocities, total strain, and enstrophy) nor local characteristics of flame–turbulence interaction (flame strain rate) decrease substantially from the reactant side to the product side. To reconcile these two apparently inconsistent trends, the former is hypothesized to be caused by the following purely kinematic mechanism: residence time of turbulence within a large part of a local flamelet is significantly shortened due to combustion-induced acceleration of the local flow in the direction normal to the flamelet. This residence-time reduction with increasing cF is especially strong in the preheat zone (cF<0.3) and the residence time is very short for 0.3<cF<0.8. Therefore, small-scale turbulence penetrating the latter zone is unable to significantly perturb its local structure. Finally, numerical results that indirectly support this hypothesis are discussed.

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