
AbstractOccupancy time and critical gap are the key parameters used in the determination of the capacity of uncontrolled intersections. Indo-HCM (CSIR-Central Road Research Institute (2017) Unsignalised intersections, Indo-HCM, Chapter 8) suggests the method of occupancy time to determine the capacity of uncontrolled intersections but is limited to right-angled intersections. Geometric factors influence the occupancy time of movements that occur at the intersections. This study considers skew angle as the influencing factor. Three sites are considered in this study with varying skew angles. The occupancy times and critical gaps for various movements for different vehicle classes have been recorded. Linear regression models are developed for the three types of non-priority movements at the intersection. It is found that with increased distance to be traversed for a particular movement, the occupancy time and critical gap also increases. The occupancy time values also vary according to vehicle classes with the larger vehicles tending to have larger values.KeywordsOccupancy timeSkew angleCritical gap

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