
Administration of parathion resulted in a greater inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity of plasma, erythrocytes, and brain in female rats than in male rats. No sex-related difference was observed in the antiacetylcholinesterase activity of paraoxon, an active metabolite of parathion. Gonadectomy increased the susceptibility of males but had no perceptible effect on females, resulting in comparable inhibition of AChE by parathion in both sexes. Administration of testosterone led to recovery from increased sensitivity to the antiacetylcholinesterase activity of parathion in castrated males and afforded partial protection to ovariectomized females. On the other hand, administration of estradiol further enhanced the enzyme inhibition by parathion in castrated males but had no significant effect on that in ovariectomized females. Alterations in the status of sex hormones did not affect the antiacetylcholinesterase activity of paraoxon in plasma and erythrocytes. However, inhibition of AChE activity by paraoxon was significantly higher in brains of gonadectomized rats than those of normal rats and the effect was reversible on administration of the respective sex hormones. The results indicate that testosterone plays an important role in determining parathion toxicity (as reflected by its antiacetylcholinesterase activity), probably by activating the oxidative cleavage of the insecticide into nontoxic metabolites.

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