
Considering the theoretical research needs of gravity gradient detection and navigation, this study uses the right rectangular prism method to calculate the disturbing gravity gradient from sea level anomalies in the range of 5° × 5° in the Kuroshio extension area of the western Pacific with large sea level anomalies. The disturbing gravity gradient is obtained in different directions within a depth of 50 m below the mean sea level based on the principle of the disturbing gravity gradient. The calculation results show that the sea level anomalies at local positions significantly impact the underwater gravity gradient measurements, with the maximum contribution exceeding 10 E and the maximum difference between different locations exceeding 20 E. The change of the sea level anomaly over time also significantly impacts the measurement of the underwater gravity gradient, with the maximum change value exceeding 20 E. The impact will have a corresponding change with the seasonal change of the sea level anomaly. Therefore, the underwater carrier needs to consider the disturbing gravity gradient caused by sea level anomalies when using the gravity gradient for underwater detection and navigation.

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