
SummaryWe have evaluated the influence of four different peach rootstocks (Prunus pumila,‘GF 655/2’ ,‘Missour’ and ‘GF 677’ as a standard) planted in medium-heavy to heavy soil on phenological events (flowering and harvest date), growth, yield, fruit quality and mortality of peach (P. persica L.) scions of cv. ‘Redhaven’. At the end of flowering, there were no significant differences between the different rootstocks in the years 1999, 2000, 2003 and 2004. In 2001, trees grafted on P. pumila reached the end of flowering 2 d before trees grafted on the other rootstocks. ‘Redhaven’ fruits ripened on the same day on trees grafted on the different rootstocks. The differences were only between years. The results showed that significantly less vigorous trees, according to their trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA) and canopy volume, with the lowest yield, were observed on P. pumila rootstock. The rootstock P. pumila had a significant negative influence on fruit dimensions and mortality was 50%. Trees grafted on ‘GF 655/2’ rootstock produced significantly lower yields than those grafted on ‘GF 677’ or ‘Missour’ rootstocks. Only the ‘GF 655/2’ rootstock had root suckers. Trees grafted on ‘GF 677’ rootstock were significantly more vigorous than on the other rootstocks, and produced the highest yield with good fruit quality. The final canopy volumes of peach trees grafted on the different rootstocks were very different. The most vigorous trees were those grafted on ‘GF 677’ rootstock, where the final tree volume was 12.8 m3. Trees grafted on P. pumila and ‘GF 655/2’ had significantly lower TCSA values than on the other rootstocks.

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