
Remote sensing techniques has proved to be an extremely useful tool in morphometric analysis and groundwater studies. Remote sensing techniques with an emphasis on lineament identifications can play a great role in groundwater prospecting in semi-arid hard rock areas of Purulia district. In the present study, morphometric analysis using remote sensing technique has been carried out in parts of Baghmundi block, Purulia district, West Bengal. The parameters worked out include Bifurcation ratio (Rb), Stream length (Lu), Form factor (Rc), Circulatory ratio (Rc), and Drainage density (D). The morphometric analysis suggests that fractured, resistant, permeable rocks cover the area, the drainage network not so affected by tectonic disturbances. Using satellite imageries of two dates of IRS, different hydrogeomorphological units have been delineated. Among different hydrogeomorphic units (i) very shallow weathered pediment and (ii) Structural hills/ residual hills/inselbergs have very poor ground water prospects, while moderately weathered pediplains and valley fills are good prospective zones for groundwater exploration.

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