
The study sought to empirically examine the influence of resource allocation on strategy implementation in Commercialised State Owned Enterprises in the Communication Technology and Courier Services Sector of Zimbabwe (CSOEZ). The inquiry was based on a 5-point level of agreement Likert scale questionnaire with a total of 478 respondents completing the questionnaire out of a target population of 836, giving a 57% response rate. Survey data was presented through percentile descriptive statistics and measures of central tendencies of mean, mode and standard deviation whilst ANOVA was used for statistical analysis. The study’s regression analysis confirmed the positive relationship between adequate resource allocation and the number of unattained objectives during strategy implementation. The results of the study concluded that there is inadequate resource allocation during strategy implementation in commercialised state enterprises in Zimbabwe. The study recommended that strategy implementation direct workforce should actively participate in resource allocation; allocation of correct and adequate resources should be timely availed to support strategy execution processes and activities.

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