
The following grain characteristics: protein, arabinoxylan and dietary fibre content, viscosity and water holding capacity of wheat, rye and triticale of different ploidy levels were studied as to their effect on body weight gain (BWG), feed to gain ratio (FCR), apparent metabolizable energy (AME n), dry matter digestibility (DMD) and apparent protein retention (APR) in young broiler chicks fed isograin and isoprotein diets based on these cereals. Highly significant correlations ( p≤0.01) were found between physicochemical and biological quality indicators when all cereals were taken into account. A negative response of chicks to triticale was obtained only when chicks were fed diets containing the tetraploid forms, while the nutrition parameters of chicks fed diets containing the octo- and hexaploid triticale, with rye genome shares of 1 : 3 and 1 : 2, did not differ ( p≥0.05) from those fed a wheat diet. Rye diets yielded the lowest BWG, AME n and DMD and the poorest FCR. The results indicate that as long as the share of the R genome is a minor component of the total triticale genome pool, its antinutritional effect is masked by the wheat genome. The results also indicate that hexaploid triticale can constitute the sole cereal component in the diets of young broiler chicks.

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