
This paper is devoted to determine the influence of products quality and price competitiveness on repeat patronage of goods and beverage exporting SMES in North-East Nigeria. Delta were obtained from 244 entrepreneurs in the North-East region of Nigeria. Cluster sampling method was used to determine the sample size since the target population is heterogeneous. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select the respondents for the study. A structured on a 4 point modified IKert scale. The person Product moment correlation was used for data analysis. The findings revealed that there is positive and significant relationship between product quality and repeat patronage of food and beverage exporting SMES in North-East region of Nigeria. The study also found a positive and significant relationship between price competitiveness and repeat patronage of food and beverage exporting SMES in North-East region of Nigeria. From the above findings, it was concluded that product quality and price competitiveness have a positive and significant influence on repeat patronage of food and beverage exporting SMES in Nort-East Nigeria, based on the endings and conclusion, it was recommended that Nigerian SMES particularly those exporting food and beverage products should improve their product quality and price competitiveness as it would enhance repeat patronage among international customers.

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