
The problem of the safety of elderly patients at surgical intervention for femur fracture is broached. Different types of anesthesia (regional and general) exert both direct and indirect influence on hemodynamics parameters. Ninety patients (mean age 68±4.2 years) were divided into 2 groups depending on the type of anesthesia: epidural and general anesthesia based on proforol and sevoflurane with caudal block. In every group different infusion solutions (Ringer’s solution, 10% Refortan, Mafusol, Cardioxipin) were used prior to anesthesia. The following parameters of central hemodynamics were studied: mean arterial pressure, heart rate, cardiac output and cardiac index, stroke volume index, total vascular resistance. The least changes in hemodynamics were observed when general anesthesia based on proforol and sevoflurane in combination with ropovicain caudal block and cardioxipin preinfusion were used.

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