
To investigate ex vivo the influence of post system and amount of remaining coronal tooth tissue on the fracture resistance, fracture mode and strain of root filled molar teeth. Seventy mandibular human molar teeth were divided into seven groups (n = 10), one control (sound teeth) and six experimental groups resulting from the interaction between the two study factors: post system (Pa, post absence; Gfp, glass fibre post; Cmp, cast Ni-Cr alloy post and core) and amount of remaining coronal tooth tissue (Fe, 2 mm of ferrule; NFe, no ferrule). Teeth in the experimental groups were restored with metal crowns. For the strain gauge test, two strain gauges per sample were attached on the buccal and proximal root surfaces, and the samples of each group (n = 5) were submitted to a load of 0-100N. Fracture resistance (N) was assessed in a mechanical testing device (n = 10). Strain gauge and fracture resistance data were analysed by two-way anova (3 × 2) followed by the Tukey's HSD and Duncan's test (α = 0.05). The failure mode was evaluated using an optical stereomicroscope and classified according to the location of the failure. The absence of ferrule was associated with lower fracture resistance regardless of the post system. Groups restored with glass fibre post and cast Ni-Cr alloy post and core had similar fracture resistance and higher values than groups without posts, regardless of the remaining coronal tooth tissue. Teeth with no ferrule and cast Ni-Cr alloy post and core resulted in catastrophic fractures and those with no ferrule and glass fibre post or no ferrule and post absence resulted in restorable failures. Buccal strain was higher in sound teeth and lower in teeth without posts. Glass fibre post insertion decreased the buccal strain compared to the teeth with ferrule and absence of post. Two millimetre of ferrule had a significant influence on cusp strain, fracture resistance and failure mode. The glass fibre post was as effective as the cast Ni-Cr alloy post and core in the restoration of root filled molars regardless of the remaining tooth tissue. Absence of a post decreased the fracture resistance and increased the cusp strain.

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