
The experiment was conducted on “Influence Of Panchgavya And Jeevamrit On Growth, Yield And Quality Of Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum L.)” during the period of October 2021 to March 2022 at Horticulture Research Farm, Department of Horticulture, Naini Agricultural Institute, Sam Higginbottom, University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj (Uttar Pradesh). The experiment was planned in a factorial randomized block design (FRBD) with three replications and nine treatments which comprised of T0-(RDF only), T1-(RDF + 2.5% Spray of Panchgavya), T2-(RDF + 4.5% Spray of Panchgavya), T3-( RDF + 7.5% spray of Jeevamrit), T4-( RDF + 10.5% spray of Jeevamrit), T5-(RDF + 2.5% Spray of Panchgavya+7.5% spray of Jeevamrit), T6-(RDF + 4.5% Spray of Panchgavya+10.5% spray of Jeevamrit), T7-(RDF + 2.5% Spray of Panchgavya+10.5% spray of Jeevamrit), T8-(RDF + 4.5% Spray of Panchgavya+7.5% spray of Jeevamrit), The treatments comprised of two different levels of panchgavya and jeevamrit in which the recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF N:P:K::120:100:80) was common and based on the interaction of both the bio-fertilizer various observations were recorded on various growth, quality and yield contributing characters. Based on the results obtained from the present investigation, it is concluded that the interaction of panchgavya 4.5% and jeevamrit 10.5% that is treatment T8 was superior followed by the interaction of panchgavya 4.5% and jeevamrit 7.5% that is treatment T6. In this investigation, the T8 was found most suitable for cultivation and getting better yield per hectare of tomatoes and best returns in terms of the economics of the crop with high net returns and Benefit-cost ratio.

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