
This paper made use of 295 school administrators coming from 12 different colleges and universities operated by the Seventh-Day Adventist Church within Asia-Pacific Division. The statistical test used in the analysis was Hierarchical Linear Modeling. Existence of multilevel data is not accidental and hence cannot be ignored. Discounting it, may lead to overlooking any group effects and therefore nullifying many traditional techniques of statistical procedure used to investigate inter-relationship among variables. Applying a 2-Level Hierarchical Linear Modeling on administrators as respondents in a school level and considering years of service, the results were as follows: The effect of Years of Service on Total Quality Management (TQM) was not statistically significant ( =.0133, t=1.133, p>.05), indicating that the mean TQM according to years of service did not differ significantly. Organizational Culture, likewise, did not affect TQM ( =2.7515, t=-.855, p>.05). This meant that administrators have the same organizational culture regardless of school level. School mean ( =0.3501, t=1.553, p>.05) was not statistically significant to TQM indicating that the school mean did not influence organizational culture on TQM. Similarly, the gamma coefficient of the interaction of school mean and organizational culture was not significant ( =.03274, t=.810, p>.05) indicating no significant effect in the relationship between organizational culture and TQM. Thus, Organizational Culture impacts TQM, regardless of SDA school location within Asia-Pacific Region.

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