
Onychomycosis is the most common concomitant disease in older people in a general hospital. Fungal nail infections worsen the course of a number of diseases, in particular, mycotic allergy aggravates the course of atopic diseases. Onychomycosis with decompensation of diabetes mellitus and immunodeficiency states causes widespread skin lesions, contributes to the development of diabetic foot, chronic erysipelas of the extremities, lymphostasis, elephantiasis. Also a combination of onychomycosis and psoriatic arthritis is a great danger for patients. With the use of cytostatics, immunosuppressants, topical and systemic glucocorticosteroids, the superficial form of the disease can turn into visceral (invasive) and cause fungal osteomyelitis. Doctors of a non-dermatological profile in most cases are not able to treat onychomycosis in their patients. This is due to the need for long-term (more than 4 months) specialized treatment with the involvement of a dermatologist, which is problematic in a hospital setting.There are several reasons for the prevalence of onychomycosis among the elderly: for a large group of elderly patients with onychomycosis and concomitant diseases systemic therapy is contraindicated, and local treatment does not give the desired result in 50 % of such cases; in addition, the effectiveness of therapy is very often leveled by the patient’s non-compliance with treatment.Under such conditions, it is advisable to use Onichocid® Emtrix which has a complex antifungal, keratolytic, hydrating effect and prevents the emergence of resistance.Onichocid® Emtrix is effective, safe and easy to use, has only a local effect and helps to avoid unwanted complications in patients with concomitant diseases.

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