
The objective was to determine if, in preschool-aged children, (1) nap habituality is associated with sedentary time and physical activity (movement behaviors), (2) nap physiology is associated with movement behaviors, and (3) if missing a nap, compared to taking a nap, affects movement behaviors on the same day and subsequent day. A within-subjects (44 children; 4.2 ± 0.6years; 55.6% female), at-home study examined two experimental conditions (one afternoon each of nap- and wake-promotion with order counterbalanced) one week apart. Movement behaviors were derived from wrist-worn actigraphy (12.1 ± 3.1days). Average movement behaviors were calculated from the overall study period with experimental days excluded. Movement behaviors were also extracted for the same day and the subsequent day of the two experimental conditions. Polysomnography was recorded during the nap-promoted condition. Children were classified as non-, intermediate-, or habitual-nappers. Although average movement behaviors were different between nap habituality groups, differences were not significant. There were no associations between movement behaviors and nap sleep stages, and no effects for nap condition or condition by nap habituality on same or next day movement behaviors. Findings do not suggest that naps and movement behaviors are related in children. Although a single missed nap was not detrimental to same or next day movement behaviors, future studies should explore effects of multiple days of subsequent nap restriction to examine potential cumulative effects.

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