
We tested the hypothesis that limb vascular conductance (LVC) would increase during the immediate recovery phase of dynamic exercise above, but not below, critical power (CP) indicating a threshold for muscular contraction-induced impedance of limb blood flow (LBF). CP (115 ± 26 W) was determined in 7 men and 7 women who subsequently performed ∼5 min of near-supine cycling exercise both below and above CP. LVC demonstrated a greater increase during immediate recovery and remained significantly higher following exercise above, compared to below, CP (all p < 0.001). Power output was associated with the immediate increases in LVC following exercise above, but not below, CP (p < 0.001; r = 0.85). Additionally, variance in percent LBF impedance was significantly lower above (CV: 10.7 %), compared to below (CV: 53.2 %), CP (p < 0.01). CP appears to represent a threshold above which the characteristics of LBF impedance by muscular contraction become intensity-dependent. These data suggest a critical level of LBF impedance relative to contraction intensity exists and, once attained, may promote the progressive metabolic and neuromuscular responses known to occur above CP.

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