
Assessment of sperm quality is an important part of the technological process. Fertility of uteruses and bright depends to a large extent on quality of sperm. Before fertilization, you can get an idea of ​​the quality of sperm, to determine some indicators (volume, activity, density) that characterize certain properties.
 The main method of research in the production environment is the visual assessment of sperm by density and motility, concentration and resistance, and the percentage of live sperm.
 The testes are a pair of ovoid tubular glands that are located in the testis sac, the outer layer of which is called the scrotum. Each testicle is covered with three shells: protein (covers the surface of the testicle), a special vagina and a common vagina. At the head of the testis, where the head of the appendix departs, the protein shell grows deep into the testis, forming the mediastinum of the testis, and divides the parenchyma into many lobes or chambers. Inside the chambers are thin tubes (0.1-0.2 mm) - twisted tubules of the testis, covered with delicate connective tissue and interstitial cells. The quality and quantity of sperm production of rams of different breeds (assaf, dorper, merinoladshaf) were studied. It was found that sheep of the dorper breed of meat productivity in terms of ejaculate volume exceed the indicators of sheep of the breed assaf dairy-meat direction by 0.11 ml or 20%, and compared with sheep of meat-wool direction of productivity of the breed merinolandshaf respectively by 0.1 ml or 17.8%. According to the semen density of sheep of the assaf breed, the indicators of dorper and merinoladshaf were compared. The average density of semen of sheep of the assaf breed is exceeded in comparison with the dorper breed by 2 times and that of the merinoladshaf by 4 times. Dorper and merinoladshaf had liquid semen, which was estimated at 2 points. The sperm of all breeding rams had a rectilinear oscillating motion. High-quality semen was found in rams of all breeds and was evaluated at 9 points in rams of the assaf breed, and in rams of the dorper and merinoladshaf breeds - at 8 points.


  • Оцінка якості сперми – важлива ланка технологічного процесу

  • Від якості сперми в значній мірі залежить заплідненість маток та ярок

  • Біля головчастого кінця сім'яника, звідки відходить головка придатка, білкова оболонка глибоко вростає у сім'яник, утворюючи середостіння сім'яника, і поділяє паренхіму його на багато часток або камер

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Від якості сперми (об'єм, активність, густина та інші її властивості) в значній мірі залежить заплідненість маток та ярок. Вивчали якість та кількість показників спермопродукції баранів різних порід (ассаф, дорпер, мериноладшаф). За густиною сперми барани породи ассаф порівнювали з показникиками баранів порід дорпер і мериноладшаф. Середньою густиною сперма баранів породи ассаф перевищила породу дорпер у 2 рази, а мериноладшаф – у 4 рази.

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