
Monitoring and evaluation is a continuous management function to assess if progress is made in achieving expected results. The study sought to examine the influence of monitoring and evaluation on the sustainability of donor-funded projects in Afghanistan. The study adopted the descriptive research design. The descriptive research design is a type of research design that systematically aims to obtain information to systematically describe a phenomenon, situation, or population. The target population included employees working at Afghanaid and International Rescue Committee. The study used the purposive sampling technique to get the sample size. The collection of the data was done using the questionnaires. The analysis of the data was done using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study found that monitoring and evaluation are critical in determining the sustainability of donor-funded projects in Afghanistan. The study found that monitoring and evaluation is positively and significantly associated with project sustainability (r=.418, p=.000). It was also found that project monitoring and evaluation is positively and significantly related to sustainability (B=0.521, p=0.009). The results implied that when the project monitoring and evaluation improve by one unit, the sustainability will increase by 0.521 units while holding other factors constant. The monitoring and evaluation enhance the proper utilization of donor funds. The research recommended that a monitoring and evaluation plan be embraced that overviews the enhancement of monitoring and evaluation systems and sets out actions and procedures to develop a durable monitoring and evaluation system. A restructuring of the existing monitoring and evaluation framework should be evaluated regularly. Keywords: Monitoring and Evaluation, Sustainability, Donor Funded Projects, Afghanistan

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