
AbstractDuring the analytical review, the negative impact of ash and slag waste from coal-fired power plants on the environment was considered. Data on the world experience of processing ash and slag into a number of useful materials are given. The method of a fundamentally new method of processing ash and slag into geopolymer materials is considered. The definition of a geopolymer is given and their possible use as building materials is described. The chemical composition of ash and slag waste of Severodvinsk CHPP-1 and Apatity CHPP is considered. The content of natural radionuclides Ra-226, Th-232, K-40 was studied and the class of materials according to GOST 30,108-94 “Building materials and products. Determination of the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides”. Formulations for the synthesis of porous geopolymers have been developed. The effect of powder-forming additives of them—aluminum powders and a 30% solution of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), modifying additives—sodium stearate (NaC18H35O2), gypsum of the construction grade G-5 B (CaSO4 0,5 H2O) on the structure and properties of synthesized porous geopolymers.KeywordsCoal generationAsh and slag wasteGeopolymerBlowing agentGypsumSodium stearate

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