
This paper focuses on studying the self-gravitating spherical compositions enclosing anisotropic fluid distribution in the context of f(G,T) theory. The modified field equations representing anisotropic source are formulated, and then the MIT bag model equation of state is used to contribute the participation of bag constant. The mathematical equations are thoroughly computed using a quadratic f(G,T)=G2+ħT model (where ħ indicates the coupling parameter). We utilize the Finch-Skea ansatz to examine the compact objects Her X-I, Vela X-I, PSR J1614-2230, LMC X-4 and 4U1820-30. This solution facilitates in determining the behavior of physical factors, anisotropic source and energy constraints corresponding to the above-mentioned stars graphically. We construct the graphs by following two distinct values of the coupling parameter throughout. Some other important factors such as mass, redshift and compactness are also discussed. To examine the stable character, we use three strategies, i.e., causality condition, Herrera cracking approach and adiabatic index. Interestingly, for both the values of ħ, all the considered candidates signify the viable as well as stable behavior.

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