
Mixed land-use is one of the raised issues that still constitutes a controversial matter for many researchers, whether those advocating the use of it or opposing the idea of its existence. Hence, this research discusses the concept of mixed land-use and the positives and negatives (Pros & Cons) that can be realized regarding one of the new conceptions, represented in social capital. This concept is considered relatively recent and one of the most important resources for the achievement of sustainable development.This research paper aims at considering the influence of mixed land-use on realizing the social capital via studding the mutual relationship between the two variables in more than one zone in the Greater Cairo Region.This research paper handles the topic in terms of three themes. The first theme handles the mixed land-use in terms of the concept, historical development, positives and negatives and reaching to its measurable variables. Whereas the second theme deals with the social capital in terms of its concepts, forms, types and its measurable indices. And the third theme deals with the selection of six study areas in the Greater Cairo Region and the measurement of each index of mixed land-use and social capital in these zones for reaching to the mutual relationship between the two variables. Whereas the search has proved the presence of a direct relationship between them; the more the ratio of mixed land-use, the more the social capital.

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