
A field experiment was conducted in Horticulture farm of Agriculture and Forestry University, Chitwan, Nepal during September 2018 to January 2019 to evaluate the influence of mixed cropping of cabbage and mustard in weed dynamics and yield of potato. The experiment was carried out in a split-plot design with three replications. The treatment consists of with mustard (M1) and without mustard (M2) as main plot factor and eight treatments namely, sole potato at 0.7m (T1) and 1.4m (T5) inter-row spacing, sole cabbage at 0.35m (T2) and 0.7m (T3) inter-row spacing, potato at 1.4 m row spacing with one (T4), two (T7) and three (T8) row cabbage, and potato at 0.7m row spacing with one-row cabbage (T6), as subplot factor. Effect of broadcasting mustard was found significant in the dry weight of broadleaf weed, the height of cabbage and potato, cabbage canopy, and net production of potato. Net production was calculated by converting the yield of all the three crops in the monetary value of potato. Similarly, the effect of different intercropping of cabbage and potato was found significant on cabbage and potato height, cabbage canopy, dry weight of weed, the yield of cabbage and potato, and net production of potato. The interaction of main plot factors and sub-plot factors was found statistically significant; mustard broadcasting on intercropping of 35cm cabbage within 70cm row to row spacing of potato (M1×T6) was found superior in terms of yield of all the three crops and net production of potato. Similarly, (M1×T6) had a lower dry weight of broadleaf; Solanum nigrum and Chenopodium album were major weeds—both being a broadleaf weed. Thus, it would be better to suggest vegetable growing farmers, to follow mixed cropping of cabbage, mustard and potato for higher return and sustainable ecological weed management.

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