
From the agrochemical properties of soils, their nutritional regime is of great importance. Since, plant nutrition is associated with it. In serozem-meadow soils, the nitrogen regime is in the most vulnerable position. Since the content of ammonium and nitrate nitrogen in the soil is at a minimum. The introduction of nitrogen fertilizers improving the nitrogen regime of the soil has a positive effect on the growth, development and accumulation of amaranth grain yield. The most optimal fertilizer nitrogen rate was 250 kg / ha against the background of P150K200 (1-experiment), an increase in the nitrogen fertilizer rate to 300 kg / ha against this background did not significantly increase the yield of amaranth grain. The study of the norms of mineral fertilizers without applying manure and in combination with it showed that mineral fertilizers (NPK) and manure at a dose of 30 t / ha significantly improve the poor nutritional regime of serozem-meadow soils, creating a high level of nutrition for amaranth plants. At the same time, the highest level of the nutrient regime of the soil was observed with the combined application of mineral fertilizers with manure. The highest yield was obtained on the N200P140K100 +30 t / ha option.

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