
This study aims to investigate the influence of macroeconomic factors, industry specific factors and specific factors in the bank's profitability of Indonesian banking. This research was conducted with a purposive sampling method, where the sample used is a bank listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and publicizing the full financial statements from 2006 to 2011. Based on those samples criteria, obtained samples of 18 banks. Data analysis method used in this research is the analysis of panel data. The analysis shows fixed effect method produces the best model for predicting the profitability of banks in Indonesia compared to method of pooled and random effect.The results are consistent with the theory underlying profitability of the bank, which was conducted by Ho and Saunders (1981), known by the dealership theory. The theory states that as financial intermediaries, bank expects to get a positive net interest margin (NIM) to face uncertainty generated by the unsynchronized between the deposits offers and credit demands. That consistency is shown with the support of the results of empirical testing of hypotheses related to the operating costs and capital adequacy for dependent variable which measured by the NIM. For the dependent variable of profitability as measured by ROA, consistency is supported by the empirical testing of hypotheses related to credit risk, operational costs, inflation and economic growth. The theory underlying negative impact of market concentration conducted by Bain (1951) known as the structure conduct performance theory is not supported by empirical results.

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